@gakuranman in Tokyo you can usually get an appointment within 90mins of problem occurring. Nagoya too
Just received my copy of the bilingual @quakebook - impressed, great to have the physical version! #quakebook
...and then getting home to this!
Boo hiss. Auto-downloading of apps etc via #iCloud to iOS device doesn't work with multiple iTunes accounts.
Our Sensei tonight: BLACK,  World-Champion Yo-yo pro
Yo-yo pro athlete
The bank has sent me a cute credit card reader. Not sure what I'm supposed to buy from myself. Any ideas?
Story in Chinese magazine 「城市」on the iRun etc - photo credit @DrZuco. Don't understand much of it, hope it's nice!
New App Store Purchase History feature now live on my iPhone too. Must be a remote app, has new iCloud logo.
Find my iPhone adds email alerts when device comes online
. @twinkletame modelling my new mobile live broadcast antenna helmet
Woops, I woke up the cat...
札幌で晩御飯なう Dinner in Sapporo
They'd have had a job getting this tuna in a can #Hokkaido
More presents, this time from  @heatherarussell - thank you!  :)
@twinkletame I've finished the washing up / cleaning the kitchen so you can come home now darling
Lol at @mikekato's T-shirt
36 hours into amaryllis time-lapse (12 shots/hour) and D7000 battery still at 80% capacity. #photography
すごい雨!Japan getting a good soaking

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Joseph Tame

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Tokyo-based Marketing Manager, husband, photographer, apple user, teacher, and change enthusiast

web josephta.me


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