perfect way to travel #fgw
Too much hassle today for doing much.. Think i'll chill here
What a different day it is today out there... Shitty really is the word to use!!!!
Never fear, i found my gin :)
Perfect spot to end the day with some cider
- My view for the next 7 hours.... Not the best, but soothing sound.
A nice new calf, oh and a cow having a Shit.....Nice
- Bloody high up here! Where's my safety harness!
- Even busier this way!
- Busy out here. Wonder where everyone is!
- What a shitty rainy day it has become!
- Different
- Can really say to much about this. Kinda speaks for itself! !
- What a lovely afernoon for a bike ride #uksummer
- Last picture of May 2010..... Time for home soon and a nice cold cider
- Proper job.
- An amazing view from King's tour
- What a glorious afternoon for a walk #uksummer
- Hard day today. Nice and relaxing #uksummer
- What a load of bull.
- I thought it was rather warm this evening.. And bloody typical, power cut at work, so no air con..
- View from my office. Tis hard working here!! #devon
The trackbed of the Dartbridge railway. Changed somewhat now
- There used to be trains going over here on the Kingsbridge branch line...

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Tim Bagnall


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