#anime This series is from 2002. Definitely no one walking around with cells or lappys. It’s rather refreshing.
#anime The boy tries to explain how he ended up in a tub with his sensei. He doesn’t do well. :)
#anime Quiz-time! Name this series (without image search, cheaters). More hints to come.
#anime YuruYuri, 2-10 / the first-years get lost; sakurako gets sleepy. The sempai are  in Kyoto.
#MacBookAir Tried to work with the new Photos app, for OSX. Broke in 2 steps; some iTunes box hanging there.
Watching the contractors install new windows. Looks like they do the whole job from outside. My building is next.
The leaves on the trees are a green explosion, this week.
#anime Gourmet Girl Graffiti, 10 / pizza is fine, but no shrimp or squid on my slice, kudasai.
Enjoying a cup ‘o joe, in the morning light. Friends:  enjoy your morning, afternoon, or evening, as it applies.
#anime The big pirate reminds me of Bluto, from the PopEye cartoons.
#anime Note the name on the valve cover. I love little jokes like that.
@ronin excellent! Enjoy your prize!
#anime The Friday Night Challenge! Name this famous film, for a special prize.
@nanobot88 a type of egg sandwich, that I learned about from a Brit I know here. Here’s a fast reference:
#books Some of the titles I’ve read in March/April. Kindle makes a ton of money off me. I am a fast reader.
#anime Sound: Euphonium/  I feel some nostalgia with this story, as I was in a concert band all through high school.
#anime Cardcaptor Sakura, 51/ She’s is a little naïve about boys, but that is part of her charm.
#Anime Wishing I had a BD of this show. It’s rather obscure, though.
This arrived at my workplace. That’s a fun idea. I like popcorn.
A lot of racket from upstairs, and stuff falling from above. Either a renovation or a very wild party.
A smart idea, by my local department store: “no need to call”. The less irritating phone calls, the better.
#anime #kinmosa 2-1/ the “side-tail sensei” ?? Well; should be interesting.
Good morning!
#anime I’m awake, now. Just enough time before work to catch the new ep.

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Tim OConnor

North Carolina

A big fan of Japanese culture; anime, manga, art. and music. I also tweet about jazz, history, science, photography, and everyday life. Welcome, friend.

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