My Tweet as 2nd Top Tweet in Trending topic!
My Indian Jersey! (Sorry for bad quality of the pic!)
Ppl I spent my most part of High school. Dilip and Deadly Soma. :)
The iconic UB City and The Coffee Square.
Reporting frm gate G-4 Chinnaswamy stadium. The ticket counter has this board. Where did ticket go :-O
Think is was uncalled for. ManCity players pic with 'Do wat ever u want' as the caption #ManU
The book I'm reading now. 'Karnataka Bharata Katha Manjari' by Kumara Vyasa.
The temple i'm visiting (Gatti Subramanya.)
Flowers allover. :D
The stage setting at National College field. #KannadaSahityaSamelana
Me and my friend's in DCH style :P #TippuDrop Nandi Hills
The chinese are entering out Vegetable industry.
Going by the flowers on the Mango tree. I am in for a bumper crop this year! :)
Got a Titan Watch as 'Christmas' gift!
My pasta which went Horribly wrong! :(
Dr. Rajkumar ge Jai!
B'day boy with the new bike! :-)
Planning to get these effects to my room! :)
They want Urgent obituary ad's Vijay Karnataka getta life!
Remember them?? ;)
The Gym instructor is helping me a lot to loose weight! He gave me a treadmill with a TV! #win :)
Friends at #TGIOF ;) with 6Tins of KF :P @Kingfisherworld

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Vinay Kashyap


Football Fanatic Cricket is my religion! Luv watching films all day long! Typo's are my USP :)!! I like to go on Long trips!



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