Sweet haircut Miley. #not
This friend came to visit us on our balcony tonight. #scary
Found this gem from Nicole's bachelorette party. I don't know who the f that rando is but I was diggin his glasses.
What a waste of post-its. Thinkin about snatching them off this car.
Why is an 85 year old at STC wanting to tan and spraytan? Is this a prank? Where are the cameras?
Checked out @singlespeedbeer last night! #yum
Love this kid. #firstgradeballin
@kjparker is on a cleaning bender
Spell check much? #petpeeve
@Cane4Life one brave, beautiful little girl... ♡
Thanks for letting me see your cute new baby!! @BeccaPilgrim1 @JReis2
This is why I love  @kjparker. Found this on her bathroom mirror. #prayers
@jeromedroll kinda looks like a serial killer in his new drivers license pic.
WTF. Dude at the gym is freaking me out.
Love my sweet new iPhone bumper! Thanks @jeromedroll!
Treated myself to some Swarovski bliiiing!
Margarita in a cup. Best gift I've gotten yet at school. 
Determined to win the door decorating contest.

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