@artworkmagnetic New piece about you in @Mixmag .
This is happening tonight. Going to stuff my pie hole and play 80s soul cuts. 8pm.
This is his offer. Feel like I should take him up on his offer
This guy just sent me the funniest message on FB. I don't know him. Should I take him up on his offer?
My dad really wants to be in a biker gang.
This cat flap is a mint pillow for Tucker.
The Obama's tribute to Frankie Knuckles. Wow. This cements the power of house music for me. RIP Frankie
@codoherty ha! No. Not that yappy little shit. This little bundle of energy. Maisy!
Hellishly good roast beef here.
@kdope50 Getting in the mood . You can tell how much play this has had by the state of the sleeve g! #boomininyerjeep
Don't run... You'll just make them angry!  (Via  @Scott_YEAH)
70's NYC shop front.  @jdtwitch
If you haven't heard this then why the fuck not? It's ace.
Gotta feeling this is going to be my favourite gig this year. Under the Croatian stars with MCDE & @horsemeatdisco . Absolutely tops.
I'm in the bloody future right now. £100 to anyone who can explain what they're watching.
Best fancy dress you'll see today. Bordering on genius that.
Hashtagging gone fucking mental.
Targeted Facebook ads are mint. I was after a low cost flight to Turkey for a plastic surgery trip.
Gun finger salute to the colonel.
@SoLiTaNq .This is could result in brunch or a warrant to search my apartment.Totes worth it for Solita brunch though
Dunn's of Anarchy.
Glitchy African heads down business. Thank you Dixon for putting me on to so many outrageously good house music
Fri 21st Supporting the mighty @2manydjs w/  @robertsonjustin  @sankeysclub. 
It's going to be bloody bananas

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Will Dunn

In ya grill

MCR resident, player of records, Lover of music, part of the TRAMP! tag team. These views are my own..

web soundcloud.com/trampmusic


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