@smashleeca rotated on iPhone.
@ValaBlack I think it's cute! Makes a refreshing change from girls who wanna look hard & overly wise.
@sixuntilme Kitteh baby squish! Doesn't want to leave :-<
A cute thing with the chuzzle iPhone game. Leave it for a few minutes & the chuzzles sleep. AWWW!
@moonstone23 awwww, that's cause he IS!! baby pup!
I can see it again! YAY! Nice to have on. Keeps crud out of the keyboard too.
@penpen72 awww, baby pup!! Bone's bigger than the doggedy!
@VetLovingPetsHB sooo sweet! Kittehs get n2 everything!
@SciFiFanGirl616 actually works though....?  LOL!
OK, MUSE - & metal does kick @$$ in these headsets. For the money, they aren't bad. $29.95 at J&R(.com) music.
@CaseCrown I love my green glider, totally matches my secret Santa wallet and green nano!
@VetLovingPetsHB awww... Poor little (!?) beleaguered baby!
@smashleeca still liking this pic of your pretty hair.
@moonstone23 awwwww!! Little baby loves mommy's scent!  So dang cute!
@smashleeca awe, prettems :-)!!
@Vala_the_Great going into work soon, outside grabbing some coffee :-)
My pretty green set!! YAAAY!!
Awwwww, my Secret Santa got me this and a cute doggedy calendar - matches my Nano too! YAY!
@gretchenhunter no, they don't illustrate properly  this is on their site. Apparently, it's still on.
Doggedies got gravy, rolls & bits of meat. Babies thought they had died & gone to heaven!
@Vanmo92 hmmmm.... Frozen, just thinking of CO!
@VetLovingPetsHB aw, warm babies!!
@prestoncasanova sweet, little baby in such a big beddlies :-) SO SWEET!!
Is this the cutest iPod dock/retractable USB thingy? A co-worker gave it to me today :-D

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