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Snowing again. Big flakes. Leave bruises.
26 Jan 2011 19:58

Snowing again. Big flakes. Leave bruises. 

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posted by Donna Cestone 27 Jan 2011 02:09

Keith Olbermann It's horrible in the DC area now; just got home a short time ago, but drove through rain, hail and snow...Stay in and keep warm! :-)

posted by james palmer 27 Jan 2011 00:11

Keith Olbermann ..... ♫"Baby, it's cold outside ... "♫, ..... but it warms the cockles of Progressive hearts to see KO back in the saddle, baby! Keith Olbermann #FOK

posted by Francie LeDuc 26 Jan 2011 22:15

Keith Olbermann Have you checked on Stan lately is he surviving all this snow? Smilie

posted by Francie LeDuc 26 Jan 2011 22:14

Keith Olbermann Have you checked on Stan lately is he surviving all this snow? Smilie

posted by Francie LeDuc 26 Jan 2011 22:14

Keith Olbermann Have you checked on Stan lately is he surviving all this snow? Smilie

posted by Sharon Podolsky 26 Jan 2011 22:09

Keith Olbermann Beautiful Keith.....and thanks for tweeting your thoughts on the SOTU. You are needed!!

posted by Angela Naylor 26 Jan 2011 21:08

Keith Olbermann Nice and warm here today at the beach in Florida. I see some flakes floating by in g strings, does that count?

posted by Linda Hobbs 26 Jan 2011 21:04

Keith Olbermann You gave many laughs last night on twitter. Let us know when you set up online. Warm in FL but I do miss snow. Andy Borowitz gave a few zings last night in fun on twitter at ya. To paraphrase.."the speech is too long..Olbermann could have quit 3 shows by now." Don't leave us Keith. So few places to go for truth. They should have put Rach in your time slot. Not a fan of ODonnell.

posted by Tru 26 Jan 2011 20:43

Keith Olbermann But don't you just love the way it lies on the branches?...Poor KO, you'd never be able to handle lake-effect snow!

posted by Kitty Farmer 26 Jan 2011 20:28

Keith Olbermann It's SUNNY in Santa Fe and we encourage TRUTH TELLING even with the new Swift Boat/Palin buddy governor.

posted by Deidre Maciel 26 Jan 2011 20:26

Keith Olbermann There's always one obnoxious Southern Californian in every bunch, and I guess I'm it! Smilie It's warm, dry and windy here; and the ocean is glittering like an undulating blanket of diamonds.

posted by Laura Stadler 26 Jan 2011 20:12

Keith Olbermann Are you still growing the beard??? At least it'll keep your face warmer Smilie

posted by Timothy Franzen 26 Jan 2011 20:11

Keith Olbermann You might not be able to be on TV, but they can't stop you from being online... that's a wonderful idea. You could do a live stream on FOK news channel....

posted by Rob Crawford 26 Jan 2011 20:09

The first snow is always the nicest, however, it's the Damn accumulation of the stuff, that's irksome. And unless if there is a wind, when it snows, it's so deadly silent. I lived in the mid west for 6 years, worked in -28degree weather, glad I'm not doing it now.

posted by Rob Crawford 26 Jan 2011 20:09

The first snow is always the nicest, however, it's the Damn accumulation of the stuff, that's irksome. And unless if there is a wind, when it snows, it's so deadly silent. I lived in the mid west for 6 years, worked in -28degree weather, glad I'm not doing it now.

posted by Alison L. Dunn 26 Jan 2011 20:07

Keith Olbermann Now that you have some time you should come visit Kauai. Or maybe a cruise? I can get you dialed in Keith. Loved your SOTU tweets. So happy your voice hasn't been silenced.

posted by Chris Erwin 26 Jan 2011 20:06

Keith Olbermann snowing here too.. I'm in Kentucky and yes they are a few of us that think Mich McConnell needs some people therapy instead of living the world of republican tomfoolery

posted by Timothy Franzen 26 Jan 2011 20:05

Keith Olbermann My wife enjoyed watching the snow fall from our snow free zone in Vienna, GA. Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed your SOTU coverage last night.

posted by Rob E. 26 Jan 2011 20:03

Keith Olbermann when are you going to establish an online prescence? Boston awaits your next move....

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Host, "Olbermann" - ESPN2 11pm ET; Host - MLB on TBS Post-Season Coverage

Snowing again. Big flakes. Leave bruises. Snowing again. Big flakes. Leave bruises. Snow, still in its Ooh-Pretty Stage (upper East Side NYC)
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