That's a rap on the TM photo shoot. What a day!
Old school
Roof shots
TM team cruising  @johnmallinger @_Chris_Kirk_ @Kevin_Chappell and Pete Tomasulo
Group shot with the VW
@bubbawatson lifestyle shoot with the Chevelle. Sick.
And the golf cart of course
@_Chris_Kirk_ getting ready for the lifestyle shoot.
Break time with  @johnmallinger and  @Kevin_Chappell
Ready for the interviews
Getting started @bubbawatson @johnmallinger @Kevin_Chappell @_Chris_Kirk_ & Pete Tomasulo. Going to be a good day
Made it to Virginia Country Club
@johnmallinger getting ready
Fitting session getting ready for the photo shoot
And the TM bus made it
Made it to LAX to pick up  @_Chris_Kirk_ for the TM photo shoot!
@bubbawatson ripping it on 7
Haha whoops
So while in a meeting We tagged our COOs car. He's going to UCLA vs. USC and is a Bruin fan. Now that's a prank.
Sitting in traffic heading into the TM offices. Will be back out at Sherwood for Chevron WC all weekend
@bubbawatson approach shot into 18
@bubbawatson putting for eagle on the par 5 16th
@TRAVISMATHEW made it to the @chevron world challenge @bubbawatson tees it up with Dustin Johnson at 1030

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