Blue spotted salamander. (I unearthed him while weeding our cranberry bog yesterday.)  #Maine #farming
STUCK MOON. (I climbed the tree & set it free.) #Maine #moon
#Maine #spring a Maxfield Parrish sunset this evening
deer at dusk
turkeys at dusk
Snowy spring sunset. #Maine #weather
Finches fighting over the feeder in today's snowstorm. (I just filled it ~ & it's half gone!)
LAST OF THE 2015 HARVEST ~ fresh-dug carrots from my garden. So sweet & crunchy!
"Another push, please!" #Maine #birder
Don't tell my father (a retired math professor), but this is my version of Pi Day...
We left Australia just as the Wet was starting. One area we were in received 8" of rain in 24 hrs.
Touring Australia ... at a farmer's market in Caboolture, Queensland.
1ST SNOW. I know I'll be grumbling about this stuff big time in March; however, 1st snow is always so pretty.
Beautiful pink sunrise this morning.
Mainers, come see me at the Maine Harvest Festival in Bangor this weekend! #Maine #books
BRRR! Ice fog this a.m. here in Troy #Maine
Here's me 'n the Cranberry Man at my book signing today at @MaineCoastBooks Great time. Thanks all!
My favorite time of year as a beekeeper ~ the girls are throwing the drones out of the hive. Here, 2 drones try to sneak back in. They didn't make it.
AWW... the newest addition to our #ScottishHighland herd ~ Mariette's new calf.
Harvest moon rising ...
Morning fog...
sunrise (yesterday) here on the farm ... should have realized what that red sky meant.
1st APPLE PIE OF THE SEASON. From an old yellow apple tree planted by my husband's grandmother.

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Jennifer Wixson

rural Maine, USA

Maine farmer, author, bee keeper, and occasional left-wing activist.


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