I say unifying Minecraft across all platforms is a bigger deal than 4K for an 8-bit tribute game.
Eagle view in Assassin's Creed Origins is pretty cool.
Glenne Headly RIP. :-(  So many great performances but here are a few faves: ER S3, Fandango, And The Band Played On
@Lin_Manuel Can't take credit for this but too good not to share.
@Lin_Manuel Can'take credit for this but too good not to share.
WTF 2017?! RIP Chris Cornell
My new favorite novelty parody band is @pswapninja - download their awesome #StarWars & #videogames songs for free!
@Esko Barista may not want to make it. Tricky recipe - mine gave a baleful look when ordered! Also, not a repeater.
I'm replaying @telltalegames Walking Dead on X1 to prep for S3. It holds up. I'd forgotten a lot. #TWD #Clementine
This is either a charming anecdote or an explanation of how Rogue One went off the rails as a Star Wars story.
Finally! Great show, see it if you can. Now on Broadway. Going to wear this out like I did with Rent and Hamilton.
Logan was solid but not my favorite X-Men. Days of Future Past still holds the crown for me.
Great way to eat Peeps Oreos. Remove the top from one and stack the rest: three cookie layers to two Peep creme.
One of many great moments from the Womxn's March in Seattle today.
William Peter Blatty on PT Barnum.
So excited to see La La Land again, this time at the @PacSci IMAX.
Community S2 E17 Intro to PoliSci is disturbing in a post-2016 world. Prescience of Trump, echoes of George Michael.
Carrie Fisher, you are missed. :-(
I think this says it all. @theliberalscum
Moana is great! Lots of humor & great music. Best laugh was when @GrrlGotGame dubbed these Vaguely Racist Coconuts.
I can't believe @XboxLiveRewards went there. Simultaneously impressed and horrified!
@e_goldfish Here's the nasal gel. Any drugstore should have something like ir. Apply as needed to nostrils/pillows.
@e_goldfish This is my mask. Adjustable straps. Optional pads over face straps. Nasal pillows aren't as soft as some
Hey @comcastcares can you get on this please?! So frustrated right now.

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Dave Kramer

Redmond, WA 98052

Join the Busy Gamer Movement! @GrrlGotGame and I are trying to make the world a better place for gamers balancing work, family and relationships with gaming.

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