Papa Elliott Dunwody VII, Mama Leah Justine Barlow & 8 mo. young Whozit? on the front lawn of the Bar Cross.
I'm Too Sexy For My Back Dept: This is more information than you need... But for the morbid among you. Hurts.
Once got a free Barcelona banquet. They thought I was *this* guy. Seemed kinder not to burst their bubble.
It's a hospital. Much of the staff  appears trained by a combo of Dr. Mengele & Goofy, but dig this room:
I'm *FREE* for the 1st time since the 9th of June and 2 major surgeries. Back to Toad Hall.
Frequent Surgery Dept.: One thing about being almost local; they give you the good room when they can.
Good morning America, how are ya? Try not to be too confused. It's Father's Day.
SuperMom (Elaine) and SuperDaughter (Leah). Improving the Genome, one game woman at a time.
SuperMom (Elaine) and Budding SuperMom (Leah). Becoming Improving the Genome, one game woman at a time.
SuperMom (Elaine) and Budding SuperMom (Leah). Becoming Improving the Genome, one game woman at a time.
New Perils Dept: Sunburn! Yay!
Alex & Allyson Grey were here for a spell this afternoon. So delicious to spend unmolested time with them.
Let's "face it," there's a lot of you gals who'd love to meet a real man like this.
Never ask someone to heat your tea in a microwave & 
then check it with your finger if you can't see the surface.
Blockchain variations could render gov't unnecessary & impossible. (You can't tax what you can't see.)
I ran out of painkillers last night and spent about 12 hours hanging out with this guy.
Close Encounter: My young friend Guthrie came by. Neither he nor my kitties knew quite what to make of each other.
The Father of Alternative Facts.
 Julian, I thought you might find this amusing as I do.
Privatizing the space program shows immediate benefits to the civilian astro-explorer. Thanks #Elon!
Walking out of the front door with a cane. Period.
I'm sorry, but is this the evidence we have of Obama's economic calamity?
Schrödie, in a very rare moment of inattention, was hit by a car. And is now: Particle and Wave
So, a couple of old clowns ride their Alinkers into a bar in Rohnert Park. [That *is* the punch line.]

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John Perry Barlow

Palo Alto, CA 94301

I co-founded EFF, wrote songs for the Dead, ranched in Wyoming for 17 years. A weird father, a good friend, and an excellent ex.

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