The New Me, 2 Emerging Creation Myths, Version I:
I wrote these Principles for Adult Behavior the night I turned 30. (10/2-3/77) Still working on 'em.
As views from hospital rooms go - and my capacity for informed judgement increases daily - this one, from CPMC, ain't bad.
I let the phrase "foil-clad pyramid headdress" drift in2 the fecund Petri dish twixt @SeanOnoLennon ears & !
Self-Guided Tour of Hell Dept:
An elevator door in the Houston Airport with a doorknob in it. Explanations solicited.
Toilet paper rose sculpture created by female prisoner in Texas penitentiary.
"Ol' Sparky" which de-sparked 361 particularly heinous Texans from 1924 to 1964.
Also featured in today's experiences: The Walls Unit in Huntsville, where Texas snuffs 'em by the score:
Wedged in ATL, my 7:35 to Houston *may* depart at 12:30 am. But my landlord sends me Schrödigrams to keep my spirits up.
Leah Justine and proud father at Liam Ó Maonlaí concert at the home of @mactavishbest.
I miss this girl, but it appears there isn't much either of us can do about it at this stage. Love hurts.
Downloading wisdom from The Elder Mr. B. (Cartography by Rob Levitsky)
Springtime for Schrödinger.
Schrödinger weighed 1lb, 2 oz on 9/20/14. He now weighs 11 lbs & owns about 40 Stanford grad students.
Sincerely hoping for good luck with that.
I wish @e.allstot were still here. She sends me completely superfluous selfies to make me miss her. #asifididnt.
You've been warned.
Good night, Dear All. May Cherubim cavort upon thy rest! Like this:
I just realized that the funniest thing about this is that Schrödinger's metaphor ignores the POV of the cat himself.
@soit_goes Great avatar, DuDe!
Three Mousketeers of the Status quo: Entitlement, Monopoly, & Ethic Enforcement of Racism
Sure, but where are the vets you have to get your pet a letter from?

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John Perry Barlow

Palo Alto, CA 94301

I co-founded EFF, wrote songs for the Dead, ranched in Wyoming for 17 years. A weird father, a good friend, and an excellent ex.

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