Sprog decided to "dress up" for dinner. He said: you won't even recognize me!
When you spend $600 for cavs tix and your family complains that their free seats are in the nosebleeds.
Yep. Darth again.
On my second bucket already. Halloween is no joke in my 'hood.
@quellesurprise lol
@kermarshmallow I know he's mostly joking but.... 😒
Really Toys R Us?
@onceyoukpop ugh wrong pic on reply. He got a little worried when he couldn't see me at the stop but he did well!
@onceyoukpop he survived! Lol. Freaked out a little when he didn't see me right away at the stop. :)
Saturday, in the park, I think it was the 4th of July.
Went out to take a pic of our first jalapeño pepper and this little guy scared 5 years off me.
When you've been swimming in the ocean for 2 1/2 hrs and then you see the shark warning flag has been flying.
@furiosity you can just send them this:
I'm growing cilantro in my garden and this is like the most potent cilantro you have ever smelled in your life.
Hahah. You guys. Look:
Guess who is 8 today!?
This is the old navy ad that just came into my inbox. Um. Is it 1991?
This is what CLT does to get ready for snow and ice. Brine.  #we'regonnabescrewed
View from my room! :DDDDDD
View from my room! :DDDDDD
@furiosity this pic is from xmas. He's giant okay. I don't even know when this happened

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