Driving the Blue Ridge Parkway today. Video:
Seven + inches off the back. My head feels lighter. Not quite what I wanted but I don't hate it.
While we have enjoyed a pretty quiet hurricane season in the US, it's been busy in the Pacific.
Sprog and I are excited. We got our butterfly kit in the mail. Baby caterpillars!
Speaking of hurricanes, Typhoon Fitow is looking scary.
Need one more reason why the govt shut down will make everyone's life more difficult? #HurricaneKaren #FEMA
Neglected puppy is sad.
apple gurus. I have iOS 7 and I can't seem to close apps w the double home. They come up but no way to close them?
Somebody busted out of their cone of shame last night and took out their anger on it. Lol
Also, I'm dealing w this today.
@JaviBoehme like an Oompah loompa?
Now I have to go to the doctor's office to get a physical prescription again then go back to target and get it filled
Having a lot of kids on your street *seems* like a good idea when you have a kid. #suburbancliché
@furiosity I see J already told you but Siri knew so I guess she's not a complete waste!
@nappy_steph for William: Navy Seals! They are preparing for Shark Week!
Really America?
My shame is not quite complete. I beat my 8 year old nephew.
omg. Is it 1989? These are back in style now? 

Everyone's least favorite part of fireworks, the traffic jam to leave. DH is having kittens. Like he didn't know? ☹
@chasepurdy this is going to be me soon.
DH tried to make grumpy cat!hoechlin face and it looked a lot like this.
Oh Cowfish, you are my favorite! Appetizer time!
@kerryblaze I believe it.

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