@Whatdoingdugal @JessieJaney @wallasEkatt @JanisFelidae @clingycat @Gemmathepuppy I just have one toy. I want more!!!
@LadyBeckett have you seen me test my fish? I forget who I have shown it to.
@BeautyBull oh yes. I am very hard on my toys too. It is the best fun.
@NorahNell I play hard too and I haven't destroyed my fishie yet but I am working on it. ;-)
oh yes @ipodjedi @OneLazyBird here is me with my own fish. I am an excellent tester.
@IamCindyBush @RockyTheDogg are u tougher than I am on my fish.
@JessieTheBoxer Jessie, did you see I pulled off an eye of one of warden fishes? She is doing eyes better now.
@kcparrot1 this is my very own fishie. I like to torture it. Poor fishie. Hope you can see it
Warden screwed up with this fishie. Those eyes weren't put on very well. She better do it better.
@CocoTheParrot snowing on my breakfast tree. The one that got all messed up last year.
@JeffMusk video
@balipearlgirl did u see me eating lasagna last night?
@doktorbuzzo did u see me eating lasagna tonight?
@scottrgordon yes.
LASAGNA!!!!!    I am eating lasagna. I am so happy.
Hi @sdukas do u like the colors so far? I was testing it this morning for you.
This how I like to eat my toast.
Even tho it is election day and I will be elected president soon, warden has me working testing new fishies. Geez!
@dupeehound @Humfthecocker I just testing 2nd one and it tested well. Can u see it?
@Amadeusivan well, I test them as they are being made. My beak is very strong.
@hugsandpugs me testing fishie before it is sent out. Good quality control
@rio_conure @GibsonTheKitty @KiraConure of course my favorite toy is my fishie.
Holy crap!!  Warden caught it splitting on video. Just at the end of video. Holy crap!!
@MrBearAndRocky this is what he is doing now.

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Killer Parrot™

Flying around

I am an Amazon Parrot who lives with my mum but I call her warden cause she holds the key to my cage. I am running for President in 2012. Hope I have your vote.

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