@PpawDavis here is fishie squeaking at you!! LOL.
@eeeeclare I love rain.. Watch me in the rain.
@Whatdoingdugal @ZobyDoby1 @Mr_Pie you are so cute. Here is me in rain with my wings out to get every drop
@LBeland oh she has horrible doggie squeaker fish like this one     I hate the noise but dogs like it.
@FrankenPug our friend Loki has a fish warden made but it has a horrible noise in it. U r lucky u have no noise.
@SmushThePug oh warden made Loki a squeaky toy and she loves it but I hate it. The noise makes me crazy
Axeman and hammering
lookie at @pug_lokithe playing with Warden’s fishie. He loves it
@maggie68D hi Maggie. Beautiful day. I am outside. Did you see my video?
I love eating outside.  Food tastes better outside.
Warden’s new fishies for doggies. The squeaky is deeper for big doggies. I dont mind it. What do u think?
@wirednerves @RockyTheDogg @itsbensontime oh goody warden needs doggie testers I test the kitty ones.
@KiraConure well, I already test each one before they go out the door.
@BuddyRabbit that’s funny. Did u see her new obsession? A chipmunk.

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Killer Parrot™

Flying around

I am an Amazon Parrot who lives with my mum but I call her warden cause she holds the key to my cage. I am running for President in 2012. Hope I have your vote.

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