And look who was waiting to walk me home.
@Donna_Gallers I’ve been stuck on the same TV channel for 4 years.
This is him calling me a cunt after he flicked his lit cigarette at me.
At least the cat put in some time pawing my tits before he went for the mimsy. That’s manners.
Awww, he looks so cute when he’s aslee-are those eyes open? Is-AAAARGH
One false move and Sunday gets an 18 rating.
Whore Cat may have had a claw removed today, but it’s not impeding his Riverdance practice or learning THIS:
I’m becoming obsessed with the Oxford Circus mice and how they give zero fucks in order to make someone River Dance.
For when you need to be able to see every step of every poor life choice you make:
Oh @FliesOpen, how’s your cat?
Dear cat owners, why all the fuss part 2. Giving Whore Cat antibiotics single-handed.
Dear cat owners, why all the fuss? 💅🏻
“Watching Lassie.”
“…keep going.”
@HillyFoz too small to climb, but delicious, apparently.
Stupid furry face-planting idiot. It’s funnier when he lands on his nose, but this is still worthy of mockery.
Utterly distraught by the fireworks happening outside.
When someone tries to trick you into posing for a fun party photo but really they’re filming and you rumble them
This is the vile spaffmuffin vagina spawn being “quiet”. I show you how close our front doors.
@monkeydogify @mrnickharvey @jayckb allow me
@FliesOpen allow me.
@FliesOpen @ejp72 oh nothing, just Whore Cat coming down the road to meet me.

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I once bought a cold drink for a tramp on a hot day. Turns out he wasn’t a secret millionaire. Total fucking waste of 80p.



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