I don’t think you realise how serious I am about Whore Cat needing to guard me while I pee. ITS A THING!
Time lapse transformation.
Thought I’d start training Whore Cat with something even he couldn’t fuck up. Well…
All that farting on Whore Cat has stood him in good stead though - see, he could be a hairdresser.
Found a video of Whore Cat nestled lovingly against my nethers. So I fart on him. Symbiosis at its most functional.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
So, when you told me to use my feline charms, you didn’t mean gnawing my toes nails? But…
That’s my laundry done for the week.
I got to witness a truly historic moment today - @UpturnedBathtub's first Marmite.
Some cats dream of chasing mice, others that they're lip synching Cher classics.
I had quite forgotten about the most magnificent breasts of Twitter. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you @ben_cameron!
@ben_cameron @QuantumPirate I had quite forgotten. THANK YOU!
Whore Cat comes rushing home, can’t wait to give me the gift - OF ANOTHER MOUTH TO FEED!
Break the Internet @ben_cameron @Jaynesharp
@nwithey101 Nothing. Nada.
@Scientits see!
@_Rob_B he doesn’t love you.
He is VERY much alive. I think…
@OfficeofSteve someone on Twitter actually made him that fez and bow tie. They also made THIS.
@ben_cameron @MarkBucko1 see also…
@QuebecTango I’m going Chuck. If I say otherwise he’ll fuck me up.
@BadBunnyHimself speak to my Cat Coutourier - @MarkBucko1. He has THIS!

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I once bought a cold drink for a tramp on a hot day. Turns out he wasn’t a secret millionaire. Total fucking waste of 80p.

web t.co/q6pqBYcbOu


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