say hello to my little friend
ha! @bulls_horns
#ff @TheFuckingCat makes me smile everyday. also, quite sure it's my damn cat tweeting behind my back.
fun part of #stagecoach the life size jenga game...
eek, only 4 hours till days of too much drinking, music, friends and fun! oh and all the men!
hope your 86 year old woody looks as good as this...
lazing about on the river in nevada for pop's 60th... beautiful friday.
@dascud i love the custom themes. makes it easier to read for me. I couldn't handle mobile twitter at all.
@dascud lmfao, no I've never heard the word before, sounds way cooler than 'day care' tho. kindergarten is the 1st school level. oh but this get funnier! peep out my iPhone auto correct!
@djlethal ur wifey thinks she's shocka locka too :)
@frankhbanuat @dascud or better yet, how about these? hehe (j/k).
@dascud @djlethal on the brightside if I ever get to see LB in concert I know what gift offerrings to bring? ;)
if I ever have another baby, I'm so doing this. yes, yes I would.
saw this and well, it made my day. now we know what might of been on joey's head...
this is the 1st valentine's day my grandpa will be w/o my grandma in 73 years. they had so much love for one another.
RIP my sweet grandma Irene, thank you for all the love and kindness you shared w/others. I will miss you. <3
@djlethal awe happy v day to you too! here's some bunny love ;)
this is my kind of lingerie for valentine's day.
traveling thru muir woods, sadly no visual of ceasar. #riseoftheapes #evergreenssmellssogood
he's seeking love, ladies? 

55yr old creepy man wanking off at his 80yr old mommy's house.
delicious tiramasu last night with a friend.
and if you haven't guessed...
and one last libra image, a painting by sakai...
these are very balanced libra scales...

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Jenny A


: scientist, mom, and adventure seeker...who lives to love, laugh and enjoy life.


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