nsfw, not quite sure who to feel more bad for, him or her...
@djlethal 'been bummed out lately' <--- hey, flowers always cheers me up! for you, & thank u for ur music!
my hot date last night, well until he left me in the middle of the night for a chic w/ bigger boobs. males...
if you think it's wrong to crack open a beer at 9:30am when on vacation... we can't be friends.
prolly shoulda went to the hospital but instead I just drank a beer and a bahama mama.
this is me actually taking a picture of the sky, as i was flying outta of the beast. 
#truestory #lolbluesky
this is us driving, see that left turn up ahead. that's where my face meets the pavement.
this is the beast, I was sitting bitch.
that's the smell of home sweet home, san fernando valley
or 'like the valley dude'

golden coast 30,000 ft
just incase #rapture is true, i want you all to know eating healthy is still important
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a strapping young lad and his well hung limp bizkit cobra @Drebin983 

have fun eric! ;-p lol
#foodporn home-made beet, gorganzola, candied walnut salad with orange balsamic dressing... yummy!
this is a reminder that some people are beyond assholes & just deserve to die. blackops emblem.
i just pee'd my laughing. he's country.
hah! that's funny.
his bike is fury.  #stagecoach
being this drunkedness can never be wrong...
are we drunk yet?
@bustertheskacat thinking of you beautiful.
i know how u feel cookie monster...
@frankhbanuat lmbo, yes franco you are definitely a monster alright!!  pwahaha ;-P *hugs*
@frankhbanuat happy bunny brain day pinky!!! narf narf zoit!  maybe this picture will cheer you up? hehe ;-p
hoppy easter everybunny! 
cheers to the good, the whacky and the down right insane. 

much love & peace.

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Jenny A


: scientist, mom, and adventure seeker...who lives to love, laugh and enjoy life.


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