which care bear are u? still have my care bears from gurlhood: cheer, funshine, good luck & bedtime bear ;) awe!
ink blot test...reveals what u really think about.. i saw a pretty butterfly, #maybealie ;)))
@frankbanuat78 i thought of you when i was at the german deli yesterday. i can't read a word of it...
happy sunday all... this butt's for you...pun doubly intended
caption says it all...
@dascud  @Monica_Louwrens lol i just want to yell at him and say, good gawd man where is ur pride and balls!
haha have no fear babe...ive been workin on my skillz for years.... lmao!
ultimate fighting champion of teabagging!
who says a mushroom head can't go home again... #thisboobsforyou (@dascud) courtesy of @Monica_Louwrens gardner
you should def #ff my fave & most cutest pervy couple... they're playfully sic & twisted @chub_chub_ob @Ted09
@Monica_Louwrens @georgieboooy why actually i do come bearing gifts for u. u can see why i like him so... hahaha
@Monica_Louwrens lol probably true ;) my experience tho all men are quite cocky no matter size ;-)
ahh america & feminism at it's finest! careful i almost lost an eyeball #thisboobsforyou @MinutesofMayhem ;)
@Ted09 well of course we can't see ur tatt's...especially w/ @chub_chub_ob being so ultra conservative and all...;-P
yes the perviness starts young...boy: mmm those look tasty let me try! yep he's a boob man.... #thisboobsforyou
for days when ur super duper tired...it's a good thing she brought her own pillow... #thisboobsforyou
i think the man meant to say: please don't tease me...but do please tease this... what do you think?
@dascud who's sexy @wesborland or cat dracula? im gonna have to say the soul behind cat dracula is very sexy :-P
sunny cali day, great football, 5 crazy fights, insane fans, & meeting a future little @wesborland, priceless!
@dascud @Monica_Louwrens  haha what can i say, when i saw the pic i got my panties all in a twist, he's sexy! ;)
want to touch boobs 24/7 gentleman... #thisboobsforyou ;)
a True Champion: this chinese man holds the world record for the largest natural man boobs. (nsfw)
@Ted09 well the least we can do is provide long but full tata's to mr @KiranArora enjoy!
@DeeJayLBGC i saw this awhile back, it a freaky pic but she still looks fab ;) what's ur fave movie of hers?

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Jenny A


: scientist, mom, and adventure seeker...who lives to love, laugh and enjoy life.


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