Who profits from mass shootings?
Daytime 🦊! Standoff with two magpies in my office garden, just now.
@MrFist another great Kirby story shared today:
@MrFist especially if you are Jack Kirby
@mallelis I think there is a version with pretty much every animal now.
Most obvious Amazon recommendation ever! Wants me to read Parker novels forever and ever and ever...
12km walked, Preston Park to Hove Lagoon & back, 19 #Snowdogs collected. Lovely to see people reacting to them!
These 'limited release' grapes look disconcertingly like the gangrenous fingers of a child.
@simon1972 hell no! But these are the leggings...
£13 for booze in a screwtop jar?! Probably rebranded MD 20/20 to fleece the hipsters.
@sauusages Wikipedia says yes:
Ref is PBFT8492218001. Says out for delivery again today but I now won't get it till Monday. Wd like explanation!
Great canvassing today in Fiveways!  @Purna_Sen  #VoteLabour
My lunch looked like a mini alien egg. No facehugger inside it, thankfully, just delicious pasta.
So who knew Paul Walker tributes on cars were a thing now? Spotted in Morrisons carpark...
Most unexpected postscript to article on the hipster economy.
@tomboyishness @AnneBillson this one!
New cat beds look like elephant slippers.
@sharkaeologist @MadamUnderwood found the perfect bday present for Lydia!
Either someone returned a doctored pair instead of genuine ones & it didn't get picked up or warehouse dodginess.
You can see the button here with yes yes on it.
Thanks! Order number 138969692. Is the G Star Straight leg. I can see the tag has been restitched & a label cut out.
@AnneBillson it is! Here is a close up of loads of cat tat.

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