@AnneBillson about a million cat ornaments in window. Can't remember what it was called.
@NotRollergirl there is a shop called Miss Hoe in NYC.
It is following me everywhere!
Exciting news day in Reigate! I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
@mushenska but was it as good as Dream Phone?
So I must have this grotesque fireplace! Elsa Peretti's Tuscan holiday home: http://theartoftheroom.com/2013/10/the-tower-of-peretti/
@mr_wheatley #signs
@Cavalorn this scene in Samuel Whiskers gave me nightmares.
Hint Hunt was brilliant! Didn't quite succeed, had lots of fun trying. Will go back for the Zen Room. Now, cocktails!
@AnneBillson might have to buy these shoes
Spotted this tiny door in the bottom of a tree yesterday night. Intriguing. What a lovely thing to do.
This driver (vanity plate Nissan twatmobile) is a wanker, deliberately drove into no entry box, blocking us in.
Like so :-P RT @artstar_ @alessadark I can see you driving around like peppy miller : )
Curious (for Reigate) graffiti: yes, that's 'Don't sleep, party!' and 'Don't play computer games, have sex!'
Ad for choc-making class. Girls' night out? With that pic? If there was 1 thing didn't need promoting w sex.
Excerpt from Hearn's 'In Ghostly Japan', aim of poetry. I love this, applies equally to films, novels, music for me.
@deathwaltzrecs @gray A logo so good I had to have it inked.
@catvincent @johnwarrender and the view from up there...
View from my bed. Undignified cat.
@mattloveskicks @MadamUnderwood eeeeeeugh. Horrid things. One of these, however...
@AnneBillson have you read Blacksad? Cats, film noir style, might be up your street...
Another gorgeous page from Blacksad (love the cat ballet lesson!). Can't believe I'd never come across it before.
I am totally in love with Blacksad. You can't beat a French noir comic with cat people. Amazing artwork. Must read!

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