@racingtap everything fine here. Horses all well.
And these
I've been making biscuits this morning
I got crabs at Cromer  @g66se
I'm going a-visiting tomorrow. It's rude to go empty handed.
Yay! @joecassels made me a birthday cake
I have made crumpets thanks to @waitrose food magazine
Day 2
 I had a small outside the line mishap because it was dark and the pencil was a bit blunt.
Day 1 of  @MooseAllain's wonderful advent calendar.
@HorseHour but do they make ones the cover the whole horse? #muddyhorse
Oh bugger! #horsehour #mudmonster
@MitchFW @jessfaith watch her crumple in fear.
I did it  @thekatiecustard! Cinnamon bacon buns. With added maple syrup and pecans.
I took @Scanditwitchen's advice and made cinnamon buns. I added toffee too.
From a recipe from this months @waitrose kitchen magazine. I have made Blueberry and vanilla buns.
I made this from the  @waitrose kitchen magazine tonight. Sticky soy short ribs. It was so good.
Monster hat. What do you think  @thekatiecustard?
This is why  @joecassels shouldn't be allowed to set picture rounds. It's name the plug. I did badly.
I've made a fox hat.
Owl hat finished @thekatiecustard. It's super warm.
Very nice Christmas pudding  @EmmaJKemp. I'm going in for seconds. And happy new year by the way.
I'm at #olympia. It's officially Christmas.
Hehehehe new hair! Thanks Josh @toni&guy Norwich
We have strawberries.

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Jo Cassels


Curly haired and fat

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