Please take note: PANDORA MERAPEK
Annoy my brother wit my new Arabic font hhahaha typing e names of e ppl I noe to him hahahaha
Not going terawih tonight bcos....... Tada! 3 batches of ninjas arrived today!! Time to sort it out tonight!! ☺
Saw my future cousin-in-law's fb post!! So funny sia! This puteri girl is sooo pretty. Raul's fav girl!!
Everyone been asking me if ive quit
My bro is annoying ! He jz sent me his future baby photo! without me asking! Hahahaha
Alhamdulillah rezeki!! Dari masjid Ba'alwie!!!
Off to terawih.. Today achik is e imam at Assyafaah mosque so im heading there instead im of masjid kampung!
I rmbr reading sumwhere tt its nt necessary to cover ur aurat wen ure at home wit ur in laws.. n i found it here!
Now I noe why people said kalau bole jgn kahwin sedare. In actual fact its haram! Surah An Nisa
Sayangggg mummy banyak2!! She made Ondeh2 today bt mine is special cuz mine no filling.. No gula Melaka for me! ☺
Im smiling like a kambing infront of my screen!!! Alhamdulillah ok balik i nak sujud syukor!!!!
Terawih #2 for me.. Alhamdulillah
Received my bespectacled Hello Kitty tt cost less than $10! Shame on e seller who tried to overcharge me @ $26!!
Trying my luck... sumtimes raul so rude noe.. I ask nicely then he action only!! Bottomline is he said OK
Not fair noe we should atleast gt some form of money ah. Wahlao. Im very very furious. Really mad.
Finy & me survived one hour of ZUMBA today @ True Yoga! Complimentary for DBS Women!
Morning breakfast @
home nw. I deserve this aft
Me too!!! My new shoes!!!
So so cute! Seller gonna find for me e same cover bt for iPhone 5 n i hope she gets it!
Irritating la tunang i yg satu ni. Raul said haze is okay gmbr tk paya edit. Mayb dier nk amek gmbr pakai n95
By far e most sweetest message OF THE YEAR.. Always rmbr HIM.
Durian Mc Flurry!!!!

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iPhone: 1.425728,103.825981

I'm like a kitty cat - very territorial.



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